Investors increasingly see benefits from integrating sustainable investing (SI) into their portfolios, according to a new Investor Sentiment survey by global wealth manager UBS.

The survey found that 93 percent of UAE investors consider sustainable investment a highly important part of their portfolio strategy, driven by returns and values.

Most investors expect SI returns to match or exceed those of traditional investments with 69 percent seeking advice on increasing their portfolio allocation, UBS said. 

Smart mobility, education, gender equality and healthcare were listed as the top themes in sustainable investment among UAE investors.

More than a third of UAE investors are planning to increase their investments in the stock market in the next six months.

The survey showed that 77 percent of the investors in the UAE were optimistic about their own businesses and 38 percent are planning to grow their workforce by hiring new candidates.

Nearly three quarters of business owners in the UAE are offering more flexible working hours - 74 percent - 60 percent are offering more employee benefits and 66 percent spot bonuses or larger year-end bonuses to their workforce.

(Writing by Imogen Lillywhite; editing by Seban Scaria)

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