REGIONAL concerns over the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military sector were discussed yesterday by the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International and Energy Studies (Derasat).The lecture, titled ‘Military Technology: Challenges and Prospects’, was presented by Derasat director of strategic and international studies programme Dr Ashraf Keshk and research analyst Mona Al Resais.“AI is being utilised more in military technology, and for good reason,” said Dr Keshk.“As a tool, it can be more dangerous than weapons. It can be used to commit cyberterrorism, which could leave countries in the region defenceless for a while. It can also be used to spread misinformation and propaganda.“Thus, the modernisation of military technology – not just weaponry but also other equipment – is crucial to ensure that Bahrain and the GCC are well protected against such threats,” he added.Another form of technology discussed was drones and their use in military endeavours.Ms Al Resais explained that the effective use of drones was crucial to the long-term security of Bahrain and the GCC.“Drones are the future of military technology,” she said.

“Traditional forms of weaponry are useful to a degree, but drones can turn the tides of war, as seen in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia last year.“The UAE’s efforts in drone manufacturing are already underway with Hunter 2-S.“Saudi Arabia is also working on its own drone technology.”Military drones were used to intercept Houthi rockets and missiles aimed at Saudi and UAE oil facilities and airports between 2015 and 2022.Ms Al Resais highlighted the drawbacks of using drones for security at their current technological level.“They fly lower and slower than jets and missiles,” she said.“There can also be a lack of accountability as it can be difficult to trace it back to its source, at times.“On top of that, there is little to no regulation on their military use. Therefore, they should be used in conjunction with other modern technology to fully enhance the security of the region,” she added.The event was held at Derasat’s headquarters.

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