Business Summary
THE MARKETING GROUP PLC is a United Kingdom-based marketing and advertising company. The Company consists a portfolio of independently managed subsidiary brands, each with specialist expertise and services, which together offers a suite of marketing and advertising services to global blue-chip clients. The Company's segments include Advertising, entertainment and design production; Corporate branding and training; Social media marketing, and Lead generation and data management. The Company's service offerings include social media, content creation, events, public relations (PR), e-learning, application development, game development, lead generation, sponsorship, television (TV) production, branding, digital marketing, Web and e-commerce and other services. The Company's operations stretch across over 30 offices in eight countries and serves clients across the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The Company's subsidiaries include WBB Group Ltd and Ulysses Group Ltd.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Cyclical Consumer Services
Company Address
Enterprise House, Ocean Way
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