Qatar's PM partakes in World Governments Summit

Held in Dubai under the theme 'Shaping Future Governments

HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani participated Monday in the World Governments Summit 2024, held in Dubai under the theme 'Shaping Future Governments'.
HE Sheikh Mohamed pointed out that the wide participation of governments and organisations in the summit is an important indicator for the success of the summit which has become an important milestone in promoting the government work and discussing its developments, adding that the event is a testament to the success made by the sisterly United Arab Emirates in leading the dialogue between governments and professionals globally.
The World Governments Summit brings together 120 government delegates, as well as over 85 regional and international organisations and institutions, in addition to a contingent of thought leaders and global experts in the presence of more than 4,000 participants.
The summit discusses avenues for reaching shared visions to promote the government work, forge co-operation among the world governments, share expertise and focus on inspired stories and models that left positive footprints in the government work and made a real change to the reality of their states and communities.
During the summit, high-level ministerial meetings are convened, including the ministerial meeting of ministers concerned with sustainable development, a ministerial meeting to discuss the overview of the next generation of the future governments, the meeting of Arab finance ministers, a consultative meeting with the GGC labour ministers and the meeting of energy ministers to discuss the future of hydrogen energy.
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