Business Summary
Arab Finance House SAL (Islamic Bank) is a Lebanon-based financial firm engaged in the provision of commercial and retail banking services in compliance with the Islamic Sharia principles. The Bank provides its services, through its branches distributed across Lebanon, in three segments: Retail Banking, which includes payment cards issuing such as MasterCard and Manasek Maestro Prepaid Card, and retail financing for medical services, car financing, and home finance; Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s) and Corporate Banking, which includes working capital financing, project financing, and trade financing, and Private and Investment Banking, which includes commodities and metals Mourabaha, Sharia compliant Ijarah fund, and investment in real estate projects such as Marsa El Sif, Bahrain, and Danat, India.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Banking & Investment Services
Company Address
Beirut, Corniche El-Mazraa, Saeb Salam Avenue, Arab Finance House Tower, PO Box: 11/273
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