Qatar Charity, Islamic Relief sign deal to launch joint initiatives in Pakistan

The director of the Islamic Relief Office in Pakistan, Asif Shirazi, said that the agreement with the QC will enhance Pakistan’s ability to adapt to climate challenges and enhance disaster preparedness

In a move that reflects their commitment to improving response to climate change and building resilience in the most vulnerable communities, Qatar Charity (QC) and Islamic Relief have signed a co-operation agreement to launch joint initiatives in Pakistan.

The agreement signed between Qatar Charity's office in Pakistan and Islamic Relief encompasses enhancing capabilities to adapt to climate change and implementing joint programmes in the field of disaster mitigation.

The director of the QC office in Pakistan, Amin Abdulrahman, said in a statement that climate change is a global challenge that requires an immediate response.

He said that the QC has adopted joint initiatives with Islamic Relief to confront issues of poverty, provide humanitarian aid, and promote human rights and social justice in Pakistan.

The director of the Islamic Relief Office in Pakistan, Asif Shirazi, said that the agreement with the QC will enhance Pakistan’s ability to adapt to climate challenges and enhance disaster preparedness.

Qatar Charity has been taking effort to help reduce the effects and repercussions of disasters and humanitarian crises in Pakistan.

During the recent floods that afflicted Pakistan, the QC was present on the ground, providing urgent relief and supporting those affected.

It is also working to implement water and sanitation projects in Afghan refugee areas.
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