Jordan is planning to devise rules for investment in green hydrogen projects as part of a renewable energy strategy intended to turn the Arab country into a major hydrogen exporter, its Energy and Mineral Resources Minister has said.

Saleh Al-Kharabsheh told a seminar in Amman on Monday that Jordan is “marching firmly towards a green hydrogen economy” and has made considerable progress in expanding the use of renewable energy sources.

“We are in the process of devising a legal organisational framework needed for investment in such projects,” the Minister said in his comments published on Tuesday by the Arabic language daily Al-Ghad and other Jordanian newspapers.

Kharabsheh said these measures would be taken after a study on market demand for green hydrogen and export markets is completed.

Renewable energy accounted for 27 percent of Jordan’s energy mix Jordan at the end of 2023.

(Writing by Nadim Kawach; Editing by Anoop Menon)


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