Dubai, UAE – International travelers will be able to visit Mauritius from 15 July 2021, first staying in one of 14 “resort bubbles: which have been specially set up to welcome them to the island.

The Indian Ocean Island will be opening in phases during 2021 and the first phase, from 15 July to 30 September 2021, will enable vaccinated travelers to enjoy a resort holiday on the island.

The approved Covid-19 safe resorts are available on: 

Holidaymakers will be able to enjoy facilities within their chosen hotel including the swimming pool and beach. If guests stay for 14 days and have negative PCR tests during their stay in the resort, they will then be able to leave the hotel and travel about the island freely for the rest of their stay, exploring the island’s many attractions. However, for shorter stays, they may leave the resort earlier and travel back home.

Nilen Vencadasmy, Chairman of Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority said: “Mauritius is delighted to be welcoming international visitors from 15 July 2021 with our 14 unique resort bubbles that allow international visitors to enjoy a safe and secure holiday experience. Mauritius has worked closely with hotels, airlines and tour operators to develop and prepare the resort bubble concept in advance of our full reopening on 1 October 2021.”

Travelers to Mauritius aged 18 years or over must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. They must undergo a PCR test between 5 and 7 days before departure and a negative result is required to travel to the island. Travelers will also have a PCR test on arrival at the airport in Mauritius and on day 7 and 14 of their resort holiday, as applicable.

Air Mauritius, Emirates are other global airlines will add additional flight capacity from 15 July 2021 which will increase in the lead up to the full reopening of 1 October 2021. For Phase 2, from the 1st of October 2021, vaccinated travelers will be allowed entry without restrictions upon presentation of a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours before departure.

The announcement follows the acceleration of the vaccination campaign and the progress made towards herd immunity by the end of September. Tourism employees were prioritized during the vaccine rollout. This has enabled a prompt and safe restart of the Mauritius tourism industry.

The country’s response to the pandemic ranked among one of the best in the world as the Mauritian Government responded promptly with stringent control measures and protocols. The safety of Mauritians and visitors has been a top priority since the outbreak of Covid-19 and the success is a result of a joint effort by the Mauritian Government and the country’s population.

International visitors can book their resort holidays either via tour operators or directly with the hotels. An additional 35 hotels have been confirmed as full quarantine hotels which will only be open to unvaccinated Mauritian citizens, their spouses and children when returning to Mauritius. This arrangement is not available to non-vaccinated international visitors. Guests in full quarantine hotels will have to complete a 14-day in-room quarantine.

For full details of entry requirements and safety protocols, visit 


About Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority:

The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure of Mauritius established in 1996 by the MTPA Act. The task of the MTPA is to promote the country's tourism industry, provide information to tourists on facilities, infrastructures and services, to initiate action to promote cooperation with other tourism agencies, to conduct research into market trends and market opportunities and disseminate such information and other relevant statistical data on Mauritius.

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