Business Summary
Emirates Airline (Emirates) is a United Arab Emirates-based airline and part of the Emirates Group which is engaged in serving approximately 155 airports in approximately 81 countries. The Company operates in three business segments: Airline business, Catering operations and The Other. The Airline business provides commercial air transportation, which includes passenger and cargo services, and excess baggage. The Catering operations provide in-flight and institutional catering services. The Other segment provides hotel operations, the sale of consumer goods, and food and beverages. The Company’s subsidiaries include Emirates Flight Catering Company L.L.C., Maritime & Mercantile International L.L.C., Emirates Leisure Retail L.L.C., Emirates Leisure Retail (Singapore) Pte Ltd., Emirates Leisure Retail (Australia) Pty Ltd., Emirates Hotels (Australia) Pty Ltd., and Emirates Hotel L.L.C., among others.
Country of Incorporation
United Arab Emirates
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
Emirates Airline Building, Airport Road, P.O. Box 686
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