Dubai, UAE - XTREME DB SYSTEMS (XDS) are currently engaged with financial services in the UAE supporting customers to reimagine their datacenter and support the drive to a new colocation or deploy to Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services.    Speaking to CEO’s in the UAE its become clear the key driver to maintain competitive advantages are instant provisioning and fast go to market.    This is no longer possible with on-premise datacenters.

XTREME DB SYSTEMS chose Equinix based at the Dubai Production Zone for datacenter colocation with dedicated connections to Microsoft Azure & Amazon Web Services.   As enterprise infrastructure moves toward cloud distributed application delivery, the datacenter itself is being transformed.  C-Level executives must transition to a hybrid model mindset where the presence of an on-premises datacenter is no longer the primary driver for infrastructure decisions.   

Growth is typically an exciting moment for an organization that brings with it new customers, new innovations, and new opportunities. In most cases, however, rapid growth can also expose critical shortcomings in on-premises infrastructure. The tech stack that served a company well during the early phases of the business is seldom capable of carrying it to the next level of success. If the right steps are not taken quickly to help the organization scale more effectively, it could find that growth becomes a non-existing exercise.

On-premises datacenters may have once been the standard means of deploying IT resources and applications, but today’s companies have a much wider range of options available to them. Colocation datacenters and public cloud platforms are a compelling alternative for organizations that lack the capital resources to build and maintain their own facilities. Even larger enterprises that have long operated an on-premise datacenter are turning to other options.

XTREME DB SYSTEMS not only support datacenter transformation but also database and operating system upgrades.   Most customers either manage Oracle, SAP-Sybase or MS-SQL database environments which requires dedicated database administrators to manage data workloads, optimization, weekend maintenance and software upgrades.   All three database vendors will send end of life notifications however organizations sweat out the current version which has now become security debt.   This impacts internal & external audits in particular if your trading in financial services.

Predictions and strategic planning assumptions -

  • By 2025, 40% of newly procured premises-based compute and storage will be consumed as a service, up from less than 10% in 2021.
  • By 2025, 70% of organizations will implement structured infrastructure automation to deliver flexibility and efficiency, up from 20% in 2021.

XTREME DB SYSTEMS are offering all customers in the UAE a free on-premise survey and migration report.
