Business Summary
Equinix, Inc. is a digital infrastructure company. The Company's platform, Equinix, combines a global footprint of International Business Exchange (IBX) and xScale data centers in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) regions, interconnection solutions, digital offerings, business and digital ecosystems and consulting and support. It offers a variety of enabling solutions that support a customer's need to implement, operate and maintain its colocated deployments. Its solutions include Equinix SmartView, Equinix Smart Hands and Equinix Smart Build (ESB). Equinix SmartView is a fully integrated monitoring software that provides customers visibility into the operating data relevant to their specific Equinix footprint. Its interconnection solutions connect businesses directly within and between its data centers across its global platform. Its interconnection solutions include Equinix Fabric, Equinix Fabric Cloud Router, Cross Connects, and others.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Real Estate
Company Address
One Lagoon Drive
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