A UAE government entity has detailed the seven signs of drug abuse among teens that parents or guardians must look out for. Al Ameen service — a Dubai government service that receives security tips confidentially — urged parents to remain vigilant and take action if they spot these signs:

>> Loss of appetite: Teens using drugs often show a gradual loss of interest in food, leading to decreased appetite and smaller food portions.

>> Sleep disruption: Irregular sleep patterns could be a side effect of drug abuse, as persistent insomnia and erratic sleeping schedules one of the several impacts of substance addiction.

>> Friend circle shift: A significant warning sign is when a teenager starts withdrawing from his/her usual circle of friends, whether from school or their local community. New associations with those having different behaviour could suggest drug involvement.

>> Hygiene neglect: Neglecting personal hygiene is a potential red flag, indicating negative behavioural changes and potential mental health concerns linked to drug use.

>> Academic decline: Noticeable deterioration in academic performance is another marker. Previously high-achieving students might experience a sudden drop in their grades due to addiction, requiring close attention from parents and school authorities.

>> Loss of interest: A decline in enthusiasm for activities once enjoyed, especially sports, is a common sign. Teens might skip practices or engagement they previously embraced.

>> Social isolation: Teens gradually distancing themselves from family members and avoiding interactions, including sharing news or meals, could signal their involvement in drug use.

Parents are advised to discreetly search their child's room for potential drug-related evidence.

Upon confirmation, seeking professional help significantly enhances the chances of successful intervention and treatment.

However, it's essential to differentiate between regular behavioural changes during adolescence and indicators of drug addiction.

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