Ed Sheeran and Courteney Cox surprised everyone with their unexpected friendship, which recently sent fans in a tizzy on social media. Ed took to Instagram and Twitter to share a video where he sang a song inspired by the iconic sitcom Friends, in which Courteney starred.
In the video, Ed and Courteney shared a friendly moment. The Shape of You singer said, “Courteney, Courteney, Courteney. I wrote this song inspired by Friends, the show that you were on.” He then picked up his guitar and played a segment of the song American Town from his upcoming album, Autumn Variations, scheduled for release on September 29.
He began singing, “We ate Chinese food in small white boxes/Live the life we saw in Friends/ Your room it barely fits the mattress/ Wake up, leave for work again/ The wind it seems to blow right through us / Down jackets are the trend."
“Impromptu kitchen jam of American Town with my landlady @courteneycoxofficial, sorry for the late rent, I’m good for it," Ed captioned the Instagram post.
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