Business Summary
Twitter Inc is a United States-based company. The Company is a global platform for public expression and real-time conversation. Its products and services include Promoted Ads and Twitter Amplify, Follower Ads, and Twitter Takeover. The Company's Promoted Ads include objective-based features that allow advertisers to optimize for the goal selected by the advertisers, such as Tweet engagements (e.g., retweets, replies, and likes), website traffic, mobile application installs or engagements, obtaining new followers, or video views. The Promoted Ads appears within a timeline, search results, profile pages, and Tweet conversations. Its Follower Ads provides a way for the Company's advertisers to build and grow an audience that is interested in their business, product or service. Follower Ads are pay-for-performance advertising priced through an auction. Its Twitter Takeover appears at the top of the list of trending topics or timeline for an entire day in a particular country.
Country of Incorporation
United States of America
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Software & IT Services
Company Address
1355 Market St Ste 900
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