Polaris Wireless, a provider of high-accuracy, software-based wireless location solutions, and Al Hamra Trading Establishment have partnered to bring a high-accuracy 3D location solution to public safety agencies in the Middle East.

This enhancement enables public safety agencies to locate and track emergency callers, first responders, and others via any wireless device, in real time and indoors and in high-rise buildings, with floor level accuracy.

"We are excited to partner with Al Hamra Trading to bring the benefits of 3D location to the public safety community in the Middle East," said Manlio Allegra, the CEO and Founder of Polaris Wireless, after signing an agreement with Ali Al Mannaei, the CEO of Al Hamra Trading Establishment at the International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi.

"By combining our award-winning software with Al Hamra Trading’s proven expertise in hardware and services, and knowledge of the market, we have created an innovative and advanced solution for the region," he stated.

Public safety agencies face a growing number of security and logistical challenges that require them to continually improve their capabilities to include the latest state-of-the-art technologies, explained Allegra.

"One of the most important priorities is for first responders, police, and others to be able to maintain a high level of situational awareness, in order to both do their jobs more efficiently as well as to keep citizens and themselves safe," he added.

Al Mannaei said the Emirati group had picked Polaris Wireless as partner to provide enhanced situational awareness and operational intelligence to our public safety clients.

"Knowing on which floor in a high-rise building a person is located enables agencies to do their jobs more efficiently and provides a significant increase in public safety," said the top official.

Polaris Wireless 3D location utilises all available signals and sensor measurements to combine with the company’s patented algorithms to generate highly accurate 3D location, he added.-TradeArabia News Service

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