Business Summary
Hoegh Evi AS, formerly Hoegh LNG AS, is a Norway-based shipping company. The Company is engaged in the ownership, management and operation of a fleet of five Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier vessels, of which three are regular LNG carriers and two are Shuttle and Re-gasification vessels (SRVs). Additionally, the Company operates two regular LNG carriers on management agreements. Apart from conventional LNG transportation services, it is engaged in the development of two deep water LNG receiving terminals, Port Meridian in the United Kingdom and Port Dolphin in the United States. The Company’s operations are divided into three operating segments: LNG Transportation, Floating Regas and Project Development. Hoegh LNG AS is active through a number of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Energy - Fossil Fuels
Company Address
Drammensveien 134
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