Business Summary
REWE Zentral AG is a Germany-based holding company for an international trade and tourism group. The Company's business segments include Retail Germany, which covers the domestic activities of full-range stores under the brands REWE and nachkauf, discount stores under the PENNY brand, as well as Glocken Baeckerei bakeries and Wilhelm Brandenburg sausage shops, among others; International Full-Range Stores, which maintains BILLA, MERKUR and ADEG supermarkets and BIPA drug stores in Austria, as well as BILLA supermarkets in several locations in Southeast Europe; International Discount Stores, operating the discount brands PENNY MARKT and PENNY MARKET in Southern Europe; National Specialist Stores, operating hardware stores under the brands toom Baumarkt and B1 Discount Baumarkt, and Travel and Tourism, which comprises tour operators, travel sales channels, destination agencies and hotels under the DER Touristik umbrella brand. Each segment also covers wholesale and e-commerce activities.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Food & Drug Retailing
Company Address
Domstrasse 20
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