Business Summary
Traditio Companhia de Seguros is a Brazilian company, formerly known as Sul America Companhia Nacional de Seguros, is a Brazil-based company engaged in the insurance sector. The Company operates in partnership with ING and is primarily active in the field of life insurance. Through its subsidiaries, the Company is active across three areas: insurance and private pension plans, financial services and asset management and management of medical services. The Company's principal investments include interests in Sul America Investimentos e Participacoes S.A., Sul America Seguros de Vida e Previdencia S.A., Sul America Seguro Saude S.A., Sul America Investimentos e Distribuidora de Titulos e Valores Mobiliarios S.A., Sul America Servicos Medicos S.A., Gerling Sul America S.A.-Seguros Industriais and Brasilveiculos Companhia de Seguros. The company is controlled by Sul America SA.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Company Address
R Do Passeio 00042 6 Pavimento, Centro
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