RIYADH — After hovering between 4,300 and 4,919 new daily coronavirus infections for six consecutive days, COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia showed a significant decline on Saturday, the ministry of health said.

The ministry reported 3,941 new infections during the last 24 hours, bringing the overall figure to 154,233.

Also the Kingdom announced the recovery of 3,153 increasing the total number of recoveries to 98,917 cases.

The total number of fatalities due to COVID-19 virus increased to 1,230 with the announcement of 46 new deaths.

Riyadh reported a slight drop in the number of daily reported cases, with 740 new infections having been detected in the last 24 hours. The capital had been recorded over 1,000 cases per day since June 9.

There were 421 cases in Jeddah, 354 in Makkah, 285 in Hufof, 221 in Taif, 178 in Dammam, 173 in Madinah, 148 in Qatif, 143 in Al-Khobar, 127 in Mobaraz, 125 in Khamis Mushayt and 110 in Abha. The rest of the cases were scattered in other regions and governorates across the Kingdom, the ministry said.

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