Al Ain : As part of the UAEU’s participation in the global event "Expo 2020" Dubai, the National Space Science and Technology Centre (NSSTC) and College of Science co-organized series of events and activities during the "Space Week" that took place from 17 to 27 October 2021. The activities included a series of workshops and events to showcase research and development in various areas of astronomy and space sciences, with the participation of students, faculty members and visitors.

Prof. Ahmed Murad, Deputy Commissioner-General of the UAEU Pavilion at Expo 2020 & Associate Provost for Research, explained that the NSSTC and College of Science "Space Week" activities were organized in conjunction with the Space Week, one of the ten thematic weeks organized by Expo 2020 Dubai under the theme of “Man and Planet Earth Program”. It aims at discussing the benefits, solutions, and challenges of exploring beyond the orbit of the planet, and the opportunities for exploration and the development of space science.

“In the backdrop of the emergence and rapid growth of UAE’s Space Sector, the UAE University’s collaboration with various country pavilions, resulting in its active participation in a number of Space Week events proves as a testament of UAEU’s contribution towards the development of Space Science & Technology R&D and Education ecosystem in the UAE and its commitment to help stimulate globally recognized space-related activities in the country”. Dr. Aquib Moin, Associate Professor of Physics, UAEU.

The UAEU pavilion in Expo 2020 conducted three activities on research and development in radio astronomy in collaboration with the Curtin University, Australia. It included discussions on innovative sensor systems, ground infrastructure for radio astronomy and space science observations and measurements, emerging technologies, collaborative multi-station operations, academic and technological research and development, public awareness, and prospects. The event was hosted by the Australian pavilion.

The French pavilion hosted an event on "Remote Sensing & Earth Observation and Workshop", which was an event to showcase current research and development in the field of remote sensing and earth observation. The event featured talks and discussions on topics related to remote sensing & earth observation. As part of the event, a "workshop" on earth observation with high-resolution imagery was conducted by NSSTC experts.

The "Education in Space Science & Technology: A road to youth empowerment" event focused on the strategic importance and the various elements of the academic knowledge required to support the rapidly growing global space sector. The innovative methods for effective space education and the content that must be delivered were also discussed. Human Spaceflight and Robotic Space Exploration” aimed to highlight the excitement and scientific value of manned space missions and introduce the audience to various aspects such as the astronaut's experience, the possibility of discovery, and the importance of human presence in outer space. These events were hosted by the Switzerland pavilion.

In addition, the above two, UAEU also participated in the event on "Space Debris: Mitigation and Prevention" hosted by the Switzerland pavilion, in which it sheds light on the damage that space debris can cause to space assets. The participants discussed innovative ways to mitigate space debris. With the advent of the space age, humans deployed thousands of satellites in orbit around the Earth, which not only enabled scientific discovery but also provided a range of important services to people, however, the result of this is the constant increase in the amount of space junk.

Under a collaboration between the NSSTC | College of Science, UAEU and the Intercultural and Communications Institute (ISIT), France, a number of activities were conducted that brought together liberal arts and sciences to explore space in the shape of a multi-faceted cultural and scientific event. A French arts & space documentary: “Inner Telescope” , which presents the deployment of artwork at the International Space Station was also screened at this event. It addressed how humanity will deal with cultural, social, and communication issues as we prepare to move forward with a future inhabitation of Mars. The NSSTC experts also presented a workshop on the design of the satellite missions. The event aimed to provide a hands-on experience of the design of a space mission to the participants. These events were hosted by the France pavilion.


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