Amman: According to Airport International Group, Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) has witnessed yet another record-breaking January, welcoming 679,791 passengers, represented by a 3.9% surge in year-on-year figures. During the month, QAIA also registered increases of 2.3% and 2.1% in aircraft movements and cargo to reach 6,205 and 7,176 tons, respectively.  

“As the January results kickstart our year on a high note, we are pleased to see the collective efforts of our employees, partners and shareholders come to fruition, adding a new success to our impressive track record. We are grateful for every passenger who decides to travel via QAIA and look forward to continuing to present a memorable customer experience that reflects positively on our performance for the rest of the year,” said Airport International Group CEO, Nicolas Claude.


About Airport International Group

Airport International Group is a Jordanian consortium of local and international investors with proven experience in airport rehabilitation, enhancement, operation and management. In 2007, following a transparent and open international tender, the Government of Jordan awarded Airport International Group a 25-year Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) concession agreement to manage the rehabilitation, expansion and operation of the award-winning Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) - Jordan’s prime gateway to the world. 

This press release has been distributed by Bidaya Marketing Communications on behalf of Airport International Group. 

For more information or assistance, please contact us at:
Tel:  +962 6 585 4002/6
Fax:  +962 6 585 3001
P.O. Box:  930391, Amman 11193, Jordan

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