Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA)

The Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) ( in collaboration with South African Young Nuclear Professionals Society (SAYNPS), Women in Nuclear South Africa (WINSA) and Southern African Radiation Protection Society (SARPA) will be hosting a Nuclear Technology Imbizo (Conference) on the 08th – 09th December, 2021 at the Cape Town International Conference Centre. The theme of this year’s Imbizo is “Promoting Global Strategic Partnership to Support the South African Nuclear Build Expansion Programme” and is centered on sharing of lessons learnt and technology’s role in shaping the future of the South African nuclear industry.

The nuclear industry has faced many challenges in recent years including a difficult economic marketplace and overcoming the obstacles to train and educate a highly knowledgeable and skilled workforce amid a global pandemic. Training and education have risen to these challenges while continuing to improve industry performance. The participants for Nuclear Technology Imbizo 2021 will bring ideas, innovations and best practices that have made a difference in the past decade and going forward.

The Imbizo will be leveraging experience, insights and tools from different global players in terms of vendor/technology companies, Governments, academia, Nuclear Industry Associations and the private sector. The Nuclear Technology Imbizo 2021 will explore the concept of complementarity and global partnerships. The Imbizo will also hold conversations on how complementarity&global partnerships are understood and applied in various nuclear build programmes across the world - through institutional and operational lenses. The Imbizo will provide a platform to (1) Discuss and unpack the concept of complementarity and global partnerships, (2) What does ‘complementarity and/or global partnerships’ mean? (3) Does it lead to increase success in terms of projects implementation?

Participating organizations will also have an excellent opportunity to interact with a high target audience in the nuclear industry, enabling to not only lobby for their interests, but also network and tap into resources available from Africa. This Imbizo will seek to strengthen networks among South African companies with their different counterparts globally through sharing knowledge and technology to close the gaps and share opportunities and encourage more local SMMEs participation in nuclear-related research, innovation, manufacturing, and skills development programs. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy which is the main key stakeholder and nuclear sector champion for the current industry and envisaged Nuclear Build Expansion programme in South Africa will participating during the Imbizo.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA).

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