Organizing a ministerial session on the sidelines of the forum attended by His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and a ministerial delegation from all over the world

The forum was organized in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Compass Institute

Dubai, UAE - The Pisa Global Efficiency Forum 2022 has attracted experts around the world to discuss opportunities and share their experiences and experiences on integrating global efficiency into education.

The event was sponsored by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the UAE Armed Forces, at Expo 2020 Dubai.

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, attended the ministerial session held on the sidelines of the forum, in the presence of ministers from around the world. And the future.

His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, thanked the organizers of the Medawa Forum, which is an inspiring global platform that enriches the education agenda and enhances the skills and abilities of the staff working in the educational field.

His Highness also praised the outstanding participation of a large group of experts and specialists in the Forum of Role Models, which contributes to the exchange of experiences and the introduction of creative ideas that support the global efforts to establish an innovative and advanced educational system that prepares future generations optimally.

"We live in an interdependent world and face challenges affecting each and every one of us, from the current pandemic to the problems of climate change," said H.E. Mohammed al-Nuaimi, Director of the Office of Education at the Crown Prince's Office in Abu Dhabi. In order to overcome them, we believe that we must introduce global learning competency systems that integrate global mechanisms with local contexts, especially since today's students are tomorrow's citizens, leaders and future solutions providers. Pisa Global Efficiency Forum 2022 has provided new discussions and ideas from which states can draw inspiration, as they seek to transform their educational systems in this important decade to take the necessary action."

Dr. AbdulLatif Al Shamsi, Director and CEO of the UAE's Higher Technical Colleges, welcomed: "To attract students to campus, we must instill a passion for learning. That's why we launched the concept of a hybrid campus. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the use of technology in every way of our lives, perhaps faster than at any time in the past 20 years. "But now we need to learn from our pandemic experiences to attract students to campus."

"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that the world's children have the right to equality, safety and education," said Dr Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland and Dean of Trinity University in Dublin, in her opening remarks. This should be our ambition to be achieved, and the legacy we have to leave to them. Today, we urgently need a commitment to provide an educational curriculum that captures the hearts and minds of our students. If we do not strive seriously and resolutely to achieve this, we waste every day in our lives and endanger the human diversity of which we are a part."

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the 38-nation international economic organization, released the latest Global Efficiency Report, Thinking From the Big Picture: Ways to Educate People to Achieve an Interconnected World, as part of the International Student Assessment Program (PISA), a framework focused on teaching reading, mathematics and science to 15-year-old students and preparing them for real-life challenges. Relying on approaches that focus more on local and global interdependence, and promoting positive opinions, values and skills.

Andreas Schleicher, DIRECTOR OF THE ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD) FOR EDUCATION AND SKILLS, SAID: "It is true that we are able to provide academic education for our students, but at the same time we need to teach them livelihoods with themselves, with others and with the planet in perfect harmony. We have learned from the pandemic something important: the future will always reveal more surprises to us, and climate change will affect us more than the consequences of this epidemic, in which artificial intelligence will bring radical changes to our lives. We are born with curiosity, minds and open hearts, but some of the more advanced education systems do not achieve their desired results well when it comes to openness. The UAE has provided a good example through its experience in this field, and has succeeded in doing so by achieving great results in this direction, while other countries are still struggling to integrate global efficiency."

The PISA Global Efficiency Forum included a panel discussion entitled "How we can incorporate and integrate global competence in education", which was attended by H.E. Dr. Rabaa Al Samiti, Director-General of the Emirates School Education Foundation, Professor Anne Loney, Executive Dean of the Institute of Education at Dublin City University  and President of the International Society for Professional Development,  Veronica Buix Mansell, Principal Investigator at Project Zero at Harvard Graduate School, and Fernando Rimmers, Director of the Global Innovation Initiative at Harvard University. Education and Director of the Master's Program in International Education Policy at Harvard University.

This was followed by another session aimed at sharing experiences on a number of case studies on school systems around the world, to learn about ways to apply global efficiency in the field. Keshia Thorpe, winner of the World Teacher Award- United States, explained the ways in which she designed the entire 12th grade English curriculum to be culturally relevant to her first-generation Students of Americans, Immigrants or Refugees. She was joined by Professor Bassi Sahlberg, professor of education and former Director-General of the Finnish Ministry of Education, who, through his work as a teacher and policy maker, consulted Governments on teacher-related policies related to instructional reforms. Mike Thiruman, Secretary-General of the Singapore Teachers' Union, also participated in the session, where he presented his 25 years of experience in educational research, teaching and curriculum development, working with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and a number of countries around the world to develop professional development programmes for teachers.

The Model Forum is organized every two years and is strategically supported by several key partners, including the UAE Ministry of Education, the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, the Dubai Knowledge and Human Development Authority and the Sharjah Special Education Authority.

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