Dubai: 10th Global Islamic Microfinance Forum (GIMF) will convoke in Dubai -United Arab Emirates on 12th-14th December, 2021 under the theme of “Evidence of Impact and Financial Inclusion” to explore and discuss innovative financial inclusion strategies that can create clear pathways to poverty alleviation. This Apex event is organized by AlHuda CIBE and Sponsored by Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector- ICD. ICD is one of the premier Islamic multilateral financial institutions for the development of the private sector. Our other supports are Association of microfinance organizations of Tajikistan, Azerbaijan microfinance association, and Islamic Chamber of commerce industry and agriculture. Our lead sponsor in said event is Caiz Holding, and codebase are our technology sponsor. Our media partners in this event are Proshare Islamic finance weekly and Financial IT.

More than 30 countries will be participating in this prestigious event and around 25 international speakers will be addressing in the event. Majority of the speaker are industry leaders and experts. AlHuda is striving for poverty alleviation through Islamic microfinance by providing advisory, consultancy, research and capacity building services and organized 8 annual events in different countries of the world. This event helps the industry practitioners to join the common platform and strengthen the networking for industry development in true and innovative ways. Mr. Muhammad Zubair, the Chief Executive Officer of AlHuda CIBE said that 10th GIMF will explore how new and effective strategies (according to Shariah compliant procedures) be formulated to alleviate poverty and for economic sustainability.

While narrating the theme and core purpose of 10th GIMF, Mr. Muhammad Zubair echoed his thoughts, saying that poverty is considered one of the common global issues, but most alarming situation is that major chunk of poverty exist in Muslim countries, as it is considered as number one agenda of “financial inclusion” and Evidence of Impact that how positively affecting the lives of poor people. According to most recent estimates, 46% of the poor population resides in Muslim countries, where poverty trends are alarming. The prime reason of this staggering situation is the general avoidance from” RIBA” which is strictly prohibited in Islam. In order to reduce poverty in Muslim populous countries, a proper platform is needed to execute, valuing their cultural and social values, which is possible only through Islamic Microfinance.

The purpose of this forum is to gather the stakeholders under one platform, to find out the remedy to these problems to give a strong support to rapidly increasing Islamic Microfinance industry. A gathering of 120+ Participants are expected from almost 30 different countries to participate in the forum, wherein a large variety of topics will be covered including; Islamic Microfinance, Financial Inclusion, Evidence of Impact and future potential, Rural development, use of IT in Microfinance and FinTech solutions, Micro-Takaful, Waqaf, Zakah, Small business problems and solutions, Shariah Principles and General Economic Development.

The Forum will be followed by Two Days Post Event Workshop on Practical Aspects of Islamic Micro, Agriculture and Rural Finance dated for December 13-14, 2021. This Workshop will cover a variety of allied topics. To learn more about please visit:

About AlHuda-CIBE:

AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) is a well-recognized name in Islamic banking and finance industry for research and provide state-of-the-art Advisory Consultancy and Education through various well-recognized modes viz. Islamic Financial Product Development, Shariah Advisory, Trainings Workshops, and Islamic Microfinance and Takaful Consultancies etc. side by side through our distinguished, generally acceptable and known Publications in Islamic Banking and Finance. We are dedicated to serving the community as a unique institution, advisory and capacity building for the last twelve years. The prime goal has always been to remain stick to the commitments providing Services not only in UAE/Pakistan but all over the world. We have so far served in more than 35 Countries for the development of Islamic Banking and Finance industry. For further Details about AlHuda CIBE, please visit:

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Ms. Shaguftta Perveen
Manager Communications,
Call: +92 42 35913096 - 98

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