AMMAN — Aqaba’s King Hussein International Airport resumed operations for domestic flights on Thursday with the arrival of two flights from Amman following the pandemic-induced grounding of planes.

Aqaba Airports Company (AAC) General Manager Nasser Al Majali announced the arrival and departure of domestic flights operated by local airlines, including Royal Jordanian, Jordan Aviation and Fly Jordan, stressing that the airport will “stringently adhere” to health measures.

In pictures and videos that circulated on social media, passengers are seen wearing gloves and face masks during the arrivals.

ASEZA Commissioner for Tourism and Economic Development Shurahbeel Madi told Al Mamlaka TV that the first flight carried 170 passengers, which he said indicates that there is “recovery”.

Chief Commissioner of the Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (CARC) Captain Haitham Misto announced earlier on Thursday that permits were granted to Queen Alia International Airport and King Hussein International Airport, in addition to local airlines, to resume operations.

Earlier last week, Tourism Minister Majd Shweikeh had announced an array of programmes to encourage domestic tourism, mainly the Urdun Jannah programme that supports local airlines through a designated JD1 million for daily flights between Amman and Aqaba, which cost travellers only JD40 for going and return.

She also announced that support will be given to tourism service providers who are participating in the Urdun Jannah programme in the governorates, at a cost of JD1.2 million, in addition to assistance for hotels and camps in Petra.

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