Muscat: Oman turning green thanks to the recent spell of rain saw a lot of people spend plenty of time outdoors, with their families and friends.

The mountainous areas of the country were among those that were more in demand, and photographers were quick to take photos of the green vegetation that had sprung up on them, owing to the rain that had been caused due to several periods of low pressure between September 2019 and January 2020.

Although the amount of rain did vary at times, with some areas receiving light and moderate rainfall and others receiving heavy rain, plenty of areas across the country experienced this newfound green cover.

In addition, hail fell over a number of wilayats, while the mountains of Jabal Akhdar and Jabal Shams also received plenty of snowfall. Snowfall was also recorded over Jabal Al Surat in Wilayat Ibri in the Governorate of Ad Dakhiliyah.

“We live pretty close to the mountains, so I took my daughter behind to play there,” recalled Rajesh Kumar, an Indian expat. “She was very happy, and we ended up spending the entire day there. A couple of our family friends joined us and we all had a great time.”

“It is rare to see such great weather in Oman for months on end,” explained Richard Jenkins, a Canadian national. “When we are here, our friends back home in Canada tease us for missing the snow, but this time, they were shocked when we showed them the snow over Jabal Akhdar. It made for a pretty funny experience for many of them, and it took some time for them to register that this was Oman.”

All of this rain also led to the blooming of flowers, particularly on mountain slopes, leading to some stunning landscapes being formed in the country. This was found in a number of governorates and Wilayats, such as Shinas, Sohar, Saham and Al Khaboura in North Al Batinah Governorate, Ibri and Yunqul in Al Dhahirah Governorate, and Jabal Shams, Jabal Al Akhdar, Ibra, Samail and Nizwa in Ad Dakhiliyah governorate.

In the Muscat governorate, green landscapes were found in Al Amerat, Al Khoudh, and Wadi Al Kabir as well as and Jalan Bani Bu Ali, Jalan Bani Bu Hassan, and Al Ashkhara, and Sur in the North and South Al Sharqiyah governorates.
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