Egypts Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly decided that all fever and isolation hospitals will resume working at full capacity to accept any COVID-19 cases, particularly during autumn and winter.It came during a Wednesday meeting with the National Committee to Combat Coronavirus.

The Prime Minister also announced that all travellers to Egypt will be required to present negative PCR test starting 1 September.

He stressed the necessity of committing to state-imposed precautionary measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), despite the recent decrease in new cases nationwide.

Madbouly explained the decline in new COVID-19 cases does not mean that we have overcome the crisis forever, so keeping precautionary measures in place is necessary.

The National Committee to Combat Coronavirus involves concerned ministers, President Advisor for Preventive and Health Affairs Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din, Chairperson of the Egyptian Drug Authority Tamer Essam, and Chairperson of the Egyptian Authority for Unified Procurement and Medical Supplies Bahaa Zidan.

Madbouly said that the government is following the latest attempts to find a vaccine against the coronavirus, and the state is ready to secure sufficient amount of any vaccine once it shows effectiveness. The government also ordered purchasing 2.5m doses of vaccines against seasonal influenza to be available in the market in the next period.

2020 Daily News Egypt. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (

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