Civil Aviation Minister Mohamed Manar Enaba has announced that Egypt will resume commercial flights at all airports nationwide starting in July.

In a press conference, Enaba asserted that aircraft have been sterilised, and only dry meals and canned drinks will be provided to passengers on board.

Enaba also said that passengers will have to sign a declaration on departure, while travellers arriving from countries with high rates of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections will be required to undergo tests for the virus.

Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Khaled El-Anany said Egypt will be prepared to receive tourism starting from July in the governorates of South Sinai, Red Sea and Matrouh.

He added that his ministry has chosen these three governorates due to their having the lowest coronavirus infections rates in Egypt.

El-Anany asserted that all tourism establishments who are looking to re-open must first obtain a licence from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. He added that should any violations be found, his ministry will suspend tourism activities at the concerned facility and revoke the facility manager’s licence.

He added that hotel rooms will be sterilised after each guest has checked-out, with rooms then left vacant for 12 hours, to ensure the rooms are free of any germs. In the meantime, guests will have their temperatures checked when entering the hotel premises

The minister announced that workers at tourism facilities will have their temperatures checked using thermometer guns on a daily basis.

El-Anany explained that workers at archaeological digs across Egypt will also be required to follow government-set precautionary measures. These include wearing face masks and disposable gloves, and their digging tools should be sterilised and disinfected on a regular basis.

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