AMMAN — Senate President Faisal Fayez on Monday stressed the importance of promoting social solidarity and mutual support among the members of the “Jordanian family” in order to face the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially its economic and social impacts.

During a meeting with President of the Jordanian Association of Real Estate and Land Owners Mazen Hadid, Fayez said that a “balanced relationship” is required between owners and tenants.

He stressed the need to find fair and just solutions that contribute to activating the economy and work to alleviate citizens’ burdens in the current difficult circumstances, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

Fayez said that His Majesty King Abdullah is making strenuous efforts to address the economic crisis caused by the pandemic and “turn this challenge into real opportunities for advancement in various fields”, notably agriculture, agricultural manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. The Senate president called on real estate owners to cooperate with tenants, especially those whose economic sectors were affected by closures, through easing rent instalments.

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