Contribution from tourism to the gross domestic product (GDP) is projected to be 11.4 per cent by the end of 2026, revealed Tourism Minister Fatima Al Sairafi yesterday.

She told the Shura Council, during its weekly session, that plans were in place to achieve the target through the 2022-2026 National Tourism Strategy.

Her comments came as Shura members unanimously approved new punishments and fines that will be imposed on tourism property owners and operators who flout rules and regulations.

Shura’s legislative and legal affairs committee chairwoman Dalal Al Zayed proposed setting up a special prosecution and court to look into tourism cases rather than being treated as general cases in the administrative court.

“We seek to turn the tourism sector into an investment hub and main economic source,” said Ms Al Sairafi.

“Our plan is to achieve an 11.4pc contribution to the GDP by the end of 2026,” she added.

His Majesty King Hamad issued Decree Law 16 of 2023 in September amending some provisions of Decree 15 of 1986 regarding the regulation of tourism, based on a proposal by the Prime Minister, and after the approval of the Cabinet.

The decree was approved by MPs during their weekly session last Tuesday.

Under it, the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) will take action against rogue operators, while any grievances may be appealed before a special court.

Shura’s first vice-chairman Jamal Fakhro raised concerns that there may be an excessive use of the penalties by authorities, but member Fouad Al Haji said that discipline needed to be enforced in addition to “naming and shaming”.

Services committee chairwoman Dr Ibtisam Al Dallal pointed out that the sector was showing growth.

“Last year, we had a 185pc surge in tourists through the King Fahad Causeway and 102pc through Bahrain International Airport from the year before,” she said.

“But, we need more intensive training for people in the field and interest from young Bahraini entrepreneurs.”

Member Dr Hani Al Saati asked for more focus on Hawar Islands tourism.

Shura Council Chairman Ali Saleh Al Saleh said Bahrain’s people and hospitality were its biggest asset, while praising the minister for her dedication and fast-forward thinking programmes and activities.

Meanwhile, Ms Al Sairafi is set to appear in Parliament’s session tomorrow to respond to two questions by Strategic Thinking Bloc president MP Ahmed Al Salloom and MP Mohammed Al Marafi on 2024 tourist events, projects and programmes.

A statement on National Day and Martyrs Day was read out by Mr Al Saleh, while Shura Council secretary-general Kareema Al Abbasi read out a statement on the International Day for Human Rights, which was marked yesterday.

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