Bahrain has officially launched a major survey to help authorities develop vital economic and social programmes.

The year-long nationwide survey will gauge family income and expenditure in the country, according to the Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA).

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2024 will target a random sample of 6,000 households in the country.

It is being carried out under the directives of Interior Minister and ministerial committee for information communications and technology chairman General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa.

The survey will provide a crucial database to planners and decision makers to develop programmes, as well as meet the requirements of public and private sectors, researchers and investors, iGA deputy chief executive of statistics and population registry Duaa Alharban said yesterday.

It will continue until December.

The statistical survey will aim to measure citizens’ living standards by estimating average income and expenditure of households.

In addition, it will help identify the basket of items for consumer price index, Ms Alharban said.

A team of about 35 trained personnel will conduct the survey. They have been selected based on their experience and communication skills, she said.

Ms Alharban said that as part of a new approach, selected families will be contacted via the call centre (17878070) for the visits to be scheduled at convenient times, facilitating better interaction and data accuracy, and building stronger trust in the process.

Researchers will conduct at least four visits to each household during the survey period to complete various forms on electronic tablets. This method aims to reduce errors and ensure greater data accuracy and reliability. The forms cover housing characteristics, income sources, expenditures on durable goods and services, and a daily expense record, which families will fill out directly via an electronic link or paper form.

The iGA has been conducting this survey since 1974-1975, with the fifth one carried out in 2014-2015. Confidentiality and privacy of data is ensured under the law, she said.

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