QRDI Council launches new innovation opportunity in partnership with MATAR: Qatar

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This innovation aims to optimise customer comfort and gather information to enable efforts to reduce electricity usage

The Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation (QRDI) Council’s flagship programme, Qatar Open Innovation (QOI), has announced its innovation opportunities in collaboration with MATAR, the Qatar company for airports operation and management for developing 'Indoor Environmental Survey Robot'.
The challenge MATAR is presenting is the ‘Indoor Environmental Survey Robot’.
Proposals are invited from startups, SMEs, and corporations to develop an indoor environmental survey robot capable of monitoring temperature, humidity, and air quality in large and complex buildings such as airports, shopping malls, and convention centres.
This innovation aims to optimise customer comfort and gather information to enable efforts to reduce electricity usage, hence contributing to the minimisation of its carbon footprint. The deadline to submit a proposal is December 6.
Haya al-Ghanim, programme director at QRDI Council, commented: “We are leveraging cutting-edge technology to improve indoor environmental management through this opportunity. This initiative underscores QRDI Council's commitment to fostering innovation, addressing critical challenges, and contributing to the growth and sustainability of Qatar.”
Michael McMillan, senior vice president, Operations and Facilities Management, MATAR, said: “ As the gateway to Qatar, our goal is to mitigate climate change across our facilities and operations and constantly invest in the latest technological developments that will have a positive impact on our business, community, and the environment. Our partnership with the QRDI Council is a testament towards spearheading our environmental stewardship.”
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (
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