Qatar, Spain to bolster ties, hold strategic dialogue

Following the session, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to forge a strategic dialogue between Qatar and Spain

HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani held a talks session in Doha Wednesday with Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain Dr Pedro Sanchez.

They discussed the cooperative ties between the two countries and ways to support and enhance them, in addition to developments in the Gaza Strip and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The two sides underscored the significance of strengthening the efforts to reach an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and expedite the unhindered flow of humanitarian aid to the strip.

HE Sheikh Mohamed emphasized that Qatar appreciates the supportive positions of Spain for the endeavors aimed at achieving peace, security, and stability in the region.

Following the session, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to forge a strategic dialogue between Qatar and Spain. HE Sheikh Mohamed signed the MoU on the Qatari side, while the Spanish premier signed on the Spanish side.
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