Qatar-China strategic partnership's 10th anniversary celebrated

Both China and Qatar uphold, mutual trust and assistance and win-win cooperation

The Chinese embassy in Doha marked on Sunday the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the strategic partnership between Qatar and China at a reception attended by several dignitaries.

Chinese ambassador Cao Xiaolin welcomed the guests, including Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary-General HE Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi, Ministry of Commerce and Industry's Assistant Undersecretary for Industry Affairs and Business Development Saleh bin Majid al-Khulaifi, Ministry of Education and Higher Education's Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Affairs Maha Zayed Qaqaa Alruwaili, diplomats and other dignitaries were present.

Addressing the gathering, the Chinese envoy, said: "Over the past ten years, this strategic partnership has set a role model for the state-to-state relationship in the world. Under the strategic stewardship of President Xi Jinping and His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, this partnership is now at its best in history.

"Our cordial friendship has taken deep roots among the two peoples and the cooperation has reaped fruitful outcomes in various fields. Some important experiences from the development of our diplomatic ties can help chart the way forward.

"Both China and Qatar uphold, mutual trust and assistance and win-win cooperation. China has been Qatar’s biggest trading partner over the past four years. Qatar is now the second largest country exporting LNG to China and China will remain a long term and stable importer. The two countries have expanded cooperation in various fields within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and forged synergy between BRI and Qatar National Vision 2030. "

The Chinese ambassador also stressed that both China and Qatar uphold fairness and justice. "The China-Qatar strategic partnership stands on the right side of history. The two states hold similar views on the war on Gaza and have called on all parties to exercise restraint and worked hard to deescalate the situation. Our strategic partnership will make more positive contributions to the cause of peace and development of mankind."

The envoy expressed his appreciations for the serious efforts exerted by Qatar to promote peace and stability in the region and his hopes for more cooperation and partnerships between the two friendly countries, thanking all that contributed to these positive efforts.
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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