Qatar Central Bank keeps interest rates unchanged

Reuters Images/Mohamad Dabbouss
Reuters Images/Mohamad Dabbouss
Reuters Images/Mohamad Dabbouss

The QCB will continue to assess economic conditions

Qatar Central Bank (QCB) has maintained the current interest rates for deposit (QCBDR), lending (QCBLR) and repo (QCBRR), according to a QCB statement on X Wednesday. It said that the interest rates would remain as follows: QCBDR (5.75%), QCBLR (6.25%) and QCBRR (6%), based on an assessment of the State of Qatar's current monetary policies.

The QCB will continue to assess economic conditions, considering all aspects that may affect financial stability, and it will review its monetary policy when necessary to address any changes in economic requirements, the statement read.
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