Mexico, Qatar: Building for a common future

Proud of its history and cultural identity, modern Mexico is known as a responsible actor in the world arena,

This year, Mexican people celebrate with joy the 213th anniversary of the beginning of our National Independence Movement. It is an outstanding date for all Mexicans, which evokes the effort and heroism of the women and men who, between 1810 and 1821, fought for the country’s freedom and sovereignty. It was the beginning of the struggle for transforming Mexico into a nation governed by the rule of law and committed to social justice and friendly relations with the international community.
Born as the first truly globalised country, in the 16th century Mexico became the axis of connectivity between north, south, east, and west. Making the most of this condition, along with its history, the country has strongly contributed to universal systems of knowledge and its society has participated in a universal dialogue, in which all the peoples are called to learn from each other. Proud of its history and cultural identity, modern Mexico is known as a responsible actor in the world arena, which benefits from its privileged geographical location and competitive logistic infrastructure, its condition as partner in free trade agreements with 50 countries, and its membership in different multilateral organisations. Mexico’s economy is stable and successful, offering the conditions for making the country the number one exporter in Latin America. With 49 customs in borderlines, internals and maritime; 58 ports and terminals in the Pacific Ocean coasts; 59 in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean; and 15 road corridors, industries have access to main trade destinations in a shorter average time and with less interruptions in the value chain.
The agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (T-MEC), represents modern business and trade opportunities in North America and defines innovative trade rules to face the challenges for the 21st century in terms of environmental protection, labour market regulation, gender equality promotion, among many others. As the 9th foreign direct investment recipient in the world, Mexico presents itself as an attractive partner that is ready to create favourable ecosystems for innovative enterprises.
Having in mind the advantages that the country offers as an international partner and as a domestic market with growing purchasing power, there is no doubt that Mexico and Qatar can continue strengthening their bonds and adding value to their exchanges in a variety of domains. Since 1975, when the two nations established diplomatic relations, the agenda has been steadily growing and offers outstanding opportunities to each other. With this in mind, we are working to deepen co-operation in fields of strategic importance. Simultaneously, we are improving the already promising political dialogue and reinforcing our bonds through instruments designed for serving as the best platforms for our exchanges.
We are proud of the course events are taking in the relation with Qatar and we will continue working enthusiastically to create the better conditions for closer ties between our peoples and governments. Distant in geography, Mexico and Qatar’s societies are closer every day. Just as an example, the two countries enjoyed the 2022 FIFA World Cup, which offered the opportunity for our nationals to meet and know each other better. This amazing sports event will always be remembered in my country, due to the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to the numerous Mexicans that travelled to Doha to attend the World Cup.
During 2023, the embassy fostered different initiatives, among others, we presented important art exhibitions and performances that were enjoyed by the people of Qatar. At the moment, we have several projects in progress in a variety of fields, including cooperation in higher education, trade, investment, and culture. Of special importance is the confirmation of the participation of Mexico in the Expo 2023 Doha, an event that will offer the opportunity to showcase its commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. We are certain that Expo Doha will increase mutual knowledge regarding desertification and other environmental challenges that are already being addressed by their governments, NGOs, scholars, specialists, business people, and opinion leaders, among other actors. Similarly, at this year’s Qatar Travel Mart, Mexico will have the chance to present itself as one of the top tourist destinations, which benefits from world-class infrastructure and readiness to make business with Qatar in the hospitality industry.
In an interdependent world, our countries have to face common challenges with a spirit of co-operation, openness, and solidarity. I am convinced that Mexico and Qatar have a promising future. With Qatar, a leading country in the Middle East and the world, Mexico will continue working for building peace, and more stable and resilient economies. On this 213th anniversary of the beginning of its National Independence Movement, the people and government of Mexico are ready to continue embracing Qatar for the betterment of our shared world.
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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