Bahrain is set to host the Digital Co-operation Organisation’s (DCO) third General Assembly on Wednesday. Chaired by Transportation and Telecommunications Minister and DCO chairman Mohammed Al Kaabi, the assembly will highlight its plans and initiatives to enhance digital prosperity. Participants will include ministers and representatives from the DCO member states’ ministries responsible for telecommunications and information technology, as well as delegations from partner countries and international organisations.
The meeting will highlight strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing international digital co-operation and identifying ways to overcome challenges facing the sector to achieve comprehensive and sustainable growth.Mr Al Kaabi noted the contribution of Bahrain’s strategies at the national level in supporting and achieving the goals of the DCO, by activating digital transformation and increasing the digital economy, including the strategy for the telecommunications, information technology, and digital economy sector (2022-2026), which aims to support the digital economy and enhance electronic governance.
DCO secretary general Deemah Al Yahya emphasised the importance of the meeting, highlighting the role of digital co-operation in seizing opportunities within the digital economy. The third assembly will act as a strategic platform for member countries, governments, the private sector and civil society to collaboratively plan for the year. This involves addressing challenges and maximising opportunities to foster digital prosperity for all. Discussions will cover the organisation’s achievements in 2023 and explore upcoming initiatives for 2024.
These efforts align with the strategic roadmap for 2030, pushing to boost global digital co-operation towards an inclusive and sustainable digital economy.Financial and administrative reports will also be discussed during the assembly.
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