HIA, Qatar champions environmental sustainability

HIA is on the right path towards its 2030 target aiming to reduce 30% of its relative carbon emissions

Hamad International Airport (HIA) has reaffirmed its commitment to environmental sustainability by actively supporting the United Nations for World Environment Day 2024, a statement said Tuesday. This year, HIA celebrates significant milestones in waste management, water conservation and decarbonisation.

HIA is on the right path towards its 2030 target aiming to reduce 30% of its relative carbon emissions, in line with its environmental sustainability goals. The LED lighting initiatives launched in 2018, saw over 65,000 luminaires being converted to LED, resulting in the airport saving approximately 3mn kWh of energy in 2023.

HIA has also adopted other innovative technologies and operational procedures, including optimised HVAC management, smart-metering for electricity and water and investing in sustainable building solutions which led to the airport achieving Global Sustainability Assessment System Design & Build (GSAS-D&B) 4-Star certifications, from Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (Gord).

HIA has implemented advanced waste management strategies, yielding significant results. Between April 2023 and March 2024, as much as 81% of the airport's waste was reused, recycled, or converted into energy – marking this one of the highest conversions in the airport industry, including over 1,000 tonnes of segregated plastic waste. This success is credited to streamlined sorting and collection systems, along with clear signage and user-friendly infrastructure that enable passengers to effectively separate waste streams.

The airport has established strategic partnerships with local waste management facilities to divert waste from landfills, notably, in collaboration with the Ministry of Municipality, the airport diverted mixed general waste from landfills to the Domestic Solid Waste Management Centre, achieving a diversion rate of 48% and diverting over 18,000 tonnes of waste from April 2023 to March 2024.

HIA actively composts organic waste, transforming food scraps and other organic materials into nutrient-rich fertiliser for landscaping. The airport is also exploring the recycling of dry sludge for bio soil production and the conversion of food waste into grey waste for further recycling.

HIA exemplifies responsible water management by using 100% Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) for irrigation, through its advanced wastewater treatment plant. From April 2023 to March 2024, the airport treated over 3mn cu m of sewage for irrigation. This not only preserves valuable freshwater resources but also underscores the airport’s commitment to sustainable operations.

HIA has retained its environmental accreditations which includes Airport Carbon Accreditation at Level 3 - conferred by the Airport Council International and the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) Certification by the British Standards Institution.

HIA is committed to advancing environmental stewardship through collaborative initiatives with airlines, ground handling companies, and various stakeholders within the aviation industry.

"In our ongoing efforts to promote sustainability, the airport is spearheading trials of innovative initiatives aimed at minimising waste and maximising resource efficiency," the statement added.
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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