Hamad International Airport, Qatar welcomes DHL’s new flight

As Qatar’s ultimate gateway, Hamad International Airport has played a pivotal role in connecting nations and fostering trade relationships

In line with its ongoing expansion strategy, Hamad International Airport (HIA) welcomed the first DHL Boeing 767-300 flight, reinforcing the airport’s position as a regional logistics hub.
The new flight, which landed at Hamad International Airport on January 12, highlights the collaborative efforts between DHL and the airport.
Rooted in shared values of excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction – this strategic partnership aligns seamlessly with the airport’s mission to facilitate global trade and connectivity.
As Qatar’s ultimate gateway, Hamad International Airport has played a pivotal role in connecting nations and fostering trade relationships. DHL's flight further exemplifies the airport's dedication to supporting global trade and logistics – showcasing its world-class services, facilities, and efficient operations.
Michael Mcmillan, senior vice president (Operations & Facilities Management) at Hamad International Airport, said: “This moment marks the initiation of a promising partnership between Hamad International Airport and DHL. As a central hub for logistics in the region, Hamad International Airport is committed to fostering collaborative efforts that amplify our role in facilitating global trade. We are delighted to welcome DHL's operations to our state-of-the-art facilities – as this partnership heralds a new chapter in our shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and seamless connectivity."
Ahmed Elfangary, country manager, DHL Express Qatar, added: "We are thrilled to witness the landing of DHL’s first Boeing 767-300 flight at Hamad International Airport reinforcing Qatar's position as a pivotal logistics hub in the region. Qatar's strategic location and visionary approach have made it an ideal gateway for trade and commerce and as DHL, we are proud to play a significant role in connecting businesses globally through our extensive network and innovative solutions.”
Hamad International Airport previously announced that it handled 2,340,711 tons of cargo in 2023, marking a 1% increase from the year prior, which demonstrates an upward trend in cargo operations. The airport is currently advancing into phase B of its expansion plans, which aims to welcome over 70mn travellers annually, embodying a multi-faceted strategy for an “exceptional” overall airport experience.
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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