The Bahrain Chamber and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Jiangsu signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen trade relations between the two countries.

Bahrain Chamber first vice chairman Khalid Najibi emphasised the importance of the MoU in fostering collaboration and joint ventures between Bahraini and Chinese businesses. He highlighted the potential to significantly expand trade beyond the current $2 billion bilateral volume.

“This MoU signifies a commitment to bolstering the private sectors and economies of both Bahrain and China,” said Mr Najibi.

“We see significant opportunities for enriched commercial exchanges, particularly in technology, renewable energy, tourism and manufacturing.”

The MoU highlights Bahrain’s strategic position as a gateway to the Gulf region and a hub for financial technology and investment.

CCPIT-Jiangsu vice-chairman Cong Sufeng expressed satisfaction with the agreement, viewing it as a framework for advancing bilateral relations and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships.

“CCPIT is committed to supporting businesses and paving the way for a thriving future under this MoU,” Mr Sufeng stated.

“We recognise the strong interest of the Bahraini business community in the Chinese market and aim to strengthen communication through initiatives like visits, forums, and information exchange.”

The MoU underscores a commitment to deepening economic co-operation and ensuring the sustainability of trade ties between China and Bahrain.

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