Abu Dhabi-based venture capital (VC) firm Shorooq Partners is planning to invest in Indian gaming startups, said partner and head of gaming investments, Tarek Fouad.
The VC firm is looking at Indian companies under three broad categories: gaming software players, streaming platforms and game studios building ‘AA’ or ‘AAA’ games, he told Mint, an Indian financial daily.
“We would be investing in global gaming companies and helping them expand into the Gulf region,” Fouad said.

Shorooq is also looking at Indian companies building software for games.
“We are also excited about companies in India that are building software for games, games engines, the next Unity or Unreal platforms in that sense, or those who are building LiveOps and DevOps software,” he added.

Shurooq, which has previously backed some tech companies in South Asia, launched a Gametech-focused program in 2021. It has made 180 investments so far in over 65 companies across sectors.
“We have around seven offices to ensure that we add value and not just invest,” Fouad stated.

(Editing by Seban Scaria seban.scaria@lseg.com\)