15 September 2019
Iraq has completed most of the infrastructure work at the international airport project in the Northern Kirkuk city, the official Alsabah newspaper said on Sunday.
Phase 1 of the project will be completed before the end of 2019 and it involves the rehabilitation of the airport building, and the construction of car parks, gates, towers, power facilities and roads, it said, quoting Ziad Saleh, head of the Kirkuk Airport managing committee.
"Nearly 90 percent of phase 1 has been finished and we expect it to be fully completed before the end of this year," he said.
He said phase 2 includes the construction of terminals, airport halls, expansion works, and the construction of a second runway.
The Iraqi Transport Ministry awarded the project to rebuild Kirkuk international airport to a local company in 2017 after it was damaged during the 2003 war, when it was used as a military base by US forces that invaded the Arab country.
(Writing by Nadim Kawach; Editing by Anoop Menon)
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