Saudi Arabia will offer more than 100 projects over the next five years through public-private partnerships (PPP), according to Minister of Health (MoH) Fahad bin Abdulrahman Al-Jalajel.

The projects will offer an estimated capital investment opportunity of nearly 48 billion Saudi riyals ($12.77 billion), state-owned Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported, citing the minister.

The PPP will include developing and operating two medical cities in the north and south of the Kingdom and establishing and operating a 900-bed hospital to provide medical rehabilitation and long-term care services.

Other opportunities proposed will be the restructuring and improvement of more than 200 primary health care service centres, in addition to providing air medical transport and radiology services.

In May, MoH and the National Centre for Privatisation & PPP issued an expression of interest to invite private sector developers to develop and operate staff accommodation for Al-Iman General Hospital in Riyadh city.

In a report issued last year, the Kingdom identified 59 initiatives to generate 143 billion Saudi riyals ($42 billion) of revenues (cumulatively) via asset sales and PPP by 2025.

(Writing by D Madhura; Editing by Anoop Menon)
