Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), a leading aluminium smelter, has successfully started additional 106 pots in its Line 6, bringing 212 pots into life, which is equivalent to 50 per cent of Line 6 capacity on April 18.

Alba’s chairman of the board of directors Shaikh Daij bin Salman bin Daij Al Khalifa attended the ceremony to mark this milestone, which was held on April 30, in the presence of Alba chief executive officer Tim Murray, Alba executive management team, Line 6 Start-up team along with senior Bechtel officials, said a statement from the company.

Shaikh Daij said: “We are excited to have progressed the ramp-up of Line 6 pots ahead of plan by 12 days. With 50 per cent of Line 6 operational, we look forward to advance the safe commissioning of the remaining 212 pots on schedule and to move closer to full production by Q3 2019.”

“The Potline 6 was commissioned on December 13, ahead of schedule, with the delivery of the First Hot Metal. Since then, there has been a gradual ramp-up of Potline 6 with the successful start of 106 pots achieved on March 26,” he said.

“Our company is now looking at the full completion of Line 6 by early Q3 2019,” he added. – TradeArabia News Service

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