Dubai: Leading liquid logistics company Tristar has received the prestigious ‘Technology Implementation of the Year’ award given last night, April 17, at the Logistics Middle East Awards organized by ITP Publishing. The highly competitive award had 21 entries from regional companies and Tristar was shortlisted alongside four other finalists. Tristar was declared the winner for its ground-breaking Blockchain supply chain logistics implementation.

Tristar is one of the pioneers in the logistics sector globally to have a fully live Blockchain platform, which provides customers with full real-time oversight on end-to-end warehousing and transportation processes.

The award continues to solidify Tristar’s position as a regional leader in the use of technology in logistics. The company’s Digital Transformation strategy, initiated at the beginning of 2017, continues to bear fruit and bring value to Tristar’s stakeholders.

When accepting the award on behalf of Tristar, Adam Lalani, Group Head of IT said: “Winning this award is a victory for imagination, daring to dream, and for teamwork. This was a massive team effort, so many people were involved and I am very happy to accept the award on behalf of Tristar.”

Tristar’s blockchain implementation is underpinned by IBM’s Hyperledger technology and runs on Amazon Web Services cloud platform. Complete end-to-end warehousing and transportation processes are captured in Tristar’s private blockchain, providing real time oversight and analysis.

Additional benefits include the reduction in usage of paper, elimination of human error, and the ability to optimise warehousing manpower, scheduling, and deliveries. The project also enables Tristar to seamlessly tie together its Warehouse Management System and transportation platforms, allowing key customers to access a single secure platform protected by military grade encryption with irrefutable records of events and interactions between the parties.


About Tristar:

UAE-based Tristar is a fully integrated liquid logistics solutions provider that offers a comprehensive list of services to cater to the needs of the downstream petroleum industry, both in the region and globally. The company has interests in surface transport, specialized warehousing, fuel farm management, turnkey fuel operations, plane aviation fuel services, chemicals and ship owning. The group owns a fleet of 22 ships, has operations in 18 countries and employees more than 1800 people.

Please visit the company website for more information-

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