20,000 McCann Worldgroup Employees Will Ask Consumers How They Think, Feel + Shop in a 24/7 Online World

An unprecedented global 'Truth About Street' study will dig deep locally to understand the richness and diversity of local culture and the effect on peoples' lives, attitudes and behaviors

In an unprecedented global research initiative, McCann Worldgroup has enlisted all of its employees around the world to leave their desks for a day and head to the streets in their local markets to meet with and interview people face-to-face to gain insights into their shopping behavior and their relationship to cultural values. This new “Truth About Street” study will involve roughly 20,000 McCann Worldgroup employees in more than 100 countries. In the MENA region, FP7 offices, part of the Middle East Communications Network (MCN), across Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey and the UAE, will be joined by other McCann Worldgroup and other MCN agencies such as McCann Health, Commonwealth/McCann and MRM//McCann.

Every department and level of the network has been enlisted to participate, from associates to senior management, including creative, business leadership, strategy, production and administrative teams. The questions and conversations are designed to gather additional information and insights about local cultures, brand attitudes, traditional shopping, e-commerce and emerging consumer sentiment.

This is the first time that an agency network has galvanized its entire employee base to help develop in-depth insights about local culture and its connection today to brand attitudes and shopping behavior. In doing so, employees will hear first-hand the cultural shifts that are affecting clients and have a deeper understanding of how to apply these learnings to help grow client’s brands and businesses.

This builds on McCann Worldgroup’s initial Truth About Global Brands research, which uncovered shifting human and cultural dynamics, requiring new approaches to marketing that the agency network has called ‘Deep Globality.’ By empowering its whole network, it will both be gaining rich truths and inducting everyone personally behind these new global and local perspectives that are influencing how clients need to go to market.

The findings will be incorporated in the next wave of McCann Worldgroup’s Truth About Global Brands study and FP7/MENA’s “MENA, Uncovered” study.

Middle East Communications Network (MCN)

The overall parent company for several key advertising, marketing and media companies in the Middle East, MCN is part of the Interpublic Group (NYSE : IPG) – a global leader in modern marketing solutions with 51,100 diverse and talented individuals. MCN produces a wide spectrum of work for its clients’ brands – from project based solutions to long-term integrated campaigns created by multiple agencies. 


© Press Release 2017