Dubai: SINNAD S.P.C., the region’s leading card processing service provider, has successfully attained the latest version of the PCI Data Security Standard version 3.2 (PCI DSS V3.2) Compliance Certification for its platform in Bahrain.

The accreditation has been granted to SINNAD’s commitment towards strict international information security standards related to payment card industry and in recognition of its robust adherence to guidelines that safeguard consumers’ data processing through added reliability and security measures. This comprehensive standard is intended to eliminate any risk breaches by applying specific measures and requirements to protect the data in both production and disaster recovery sites.

Commenting on the achievement, Mrs. Rana Almaeeli, SINNAD General Manager, said: “SINNAD has always put the safeguard and security of its banks’ data on its top priority. As a result of persistence, SINNAD shall continue in attaining certifications in the optimum interest of its client banks.”

SINNAD provides state-of-the-art solutions in cards processing to banks across the MEA region and will continue offering high-quality deliverables that cater to the needs of the business community.


About SINNAD S.P.C.:
SINNAD is a Bahraini registered company and a subsidiary of The BENEFIT Company established in 2009. SINNAD is governed and regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain and licensed as payment service provider and a third-party processor to support the banks in the Middle East and African region. The Company’s significant local and regional presence indicates its strong commitment towards quality services and solutions.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Deepti Naidu
Senior Account Executive 
D:  +971 4 553 9543
M: +97155 981 7352

© Press Release 2018

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