11 January 2016
Regulatory controls aim to fend off unauthorized parking of trucks

Roads and Transport Authority - Ahmed Johar:

Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai, in its capacity as a regulatory authority, has set out procedures & controls for curbing the parking of light & heavy vehicles, along with their trailers, on road shoulder or right-of-way. Such a practice is hazardous to traffic movement, undermines the safety of road users and distorts the overall appearance of the city. These regulations aim at ensuring that these vehicles are parked in their designated places.

Engineer Maitha bin Udai, CEO of RTA's Traffic & Roads Agency, said: "RTA is keen on realizing its vision and strategy of safe & smooth mobility, which involves figuring out radical solutions for snarls experienced in vital roads. Last year, RTA had issued 277 tickets to offenders, locked the wheels of 141 vehicles, and impounded 190 others.

"This phenomenon is quite rampant all over industrial areas of the Emirate. Many companies illegally utilize lands and open areas to park their vehicles, whereas they are committed to provide designated parking spaces for those vehicles," noted bin Udai.

Pursuant to the provisions of Order 4/2009 governing the Right-Of-Way in Dubai Emirate and its Executive Regulation, Article 10 of the same states: "It is prohibited to park vehicles within the right-of-way in a way that constitutes a risk to the traffic safety. The Agency is entitled to take appropriate procedures for removing offending vehicles and claiming removal expenses from the offender. The assessment of fees by the Agency in this regard is considered final & binding."

"As the Agency is keen on taking an active role with the public and the community in working out possible solutions to ensure the flow of business without impacting the traffic safety. It has therefore issued special permits for companies in order to maintain the public interest of those companies and at the same time streamline the parking of vehicles for loading and offloading. Our objective is to align such processes with the international traffic safety standards adopted by RTA, maintain the safety of road users, and safeguard the gorgeous appearance of the Dubai Emirate," she further added.

It is noteworthy that RTA has so far constructed six resting stops for trucks, and further others are being constructed at the Emirates Road, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road, Dubai-Hatta Road, and Rash Al Khor Road. The purpose of constructing these rest stops is to avoid unauthorized parking on road shoulders as it has the potential of triggering serious traffic accidents.

To report or inquire about this phenomenon, the public can interact with RTA via the dial-free number 8009090. Comments and complaints of relevance will be communicated to the concerned section, which in turn will take necessary action according to the applicable procedures in this regard.


© Press Release 2016