Dubai:  The South American country, Paraguay, will host a Trade and Investment Conference on December 8 this year at Abu Dhabi Hall, Business Center Build at Expo 2020, as part of the country’s strategic focus on attracting inward investments and open market for trade operations.

The conference will seek to promote Paraguay as a land of opportunities and a potential strategic partner for investors. “We will highlight Paraguay’s strategic location, which could foster commerce, placing it in the backdrop of our partnership with the UAE particularly, and the potential to join hands with other Expo 2020 participants,” said José Aguero Avila – General Commissioner.

This event will also investigate markets and analyze how to develop the distribution channel of Paraguayan products and services. It is also expected that the conference will be a gateway for Paraguay to explore prospective investors for inward investments, build relationships with them, and simultaneously look at attracting new capital streams to reinforce economic growth.

Paraguay is taking part at the EXPO 2020, under the theme of `creating sustainable development opportunities,’ with focus on connecting water, renewable energy and mobility. Paraguay’s principal exports are food and hydroelectricity, and the country is one of the top exporters of soybeans in the world.

Paraguay, ranked as the `world’s happiest place,’ at the Expo Dubai is looking at exploring investment opportunities and the strategic potential of water in generating renewable energy.


About Paraguay

Paraguay pavilion is located in the Mobility District of Expo 2020. It showcases the country’s scenic landscape and its resources and portraits an authentic Paraguayan experience through imposing artworks. Throughout the whole experience underlies the theme of the country Water linked Paraguay and it also offers a taste of its culture through the country’s ethnic music and dance forms.

Paraguay is the largest producer of renewable energy in the world: 100 % of the energy it produces is renewable. Paraguay is one of the largest food producers in the world as well. The country has the third largest river barge fleet in the planet which allows it to connect to the world through its rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. Through water, Paraguay not only produces clean energy but also makes its production reach the world. The country was also ranked as the ‘world’s happiest place’.

For media queries, please contact:
Akshara Suresh
Watermelon Communications
Dubai, UAE
Tel: +97142833655 

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