The Public Establishment for Industrial Estates – Madayn signed an agreement with Reem Al Bawadi Company (RAB HR) to develop an e-Learning Platform with the objective of providing education and training programmes to Madayn’s employees as well as the employees of companies and factories based in the various industrial cities.

Zuhair Al Zadjali, Director General of Admin and HR at Madayn, emphasised on the significance of the e-Learning Platform to equip and empower the employees with various relevant skills in line with the emerging training and development trends, and to keep pace with latest training curriculum and methods.

Al Zadjali added that the platform shall present an advanced educational environment, which will digitise all procedures associated with training, save and archive data electronically, reduce training related expenses, provide training opportunities to a large number of trainees, and ensure the continuity of Madayn’s training efforts in light of the disruption caused by COVID-19.

Madayn’s e-Learning Platform reflects the continuity of the efforts made to achieve sustainable and comprehensive economic and social development based on the capabilities and talents of the national cadres. By organising a series of training programmes in various fields, Madayn aims at enhancing the productivity of the national cadres and equipping them with essential competences as per the needs and requirements of factories and companies based in the industrial cities.

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